Handel Festival Japan





Handel himself seems to have appreciated Theodora as his best oratorio; the librettist Thomas Morell relates that Handel had loved the oratorio „more than any performance of the kind“. Composed in 1749, the 64 years old composer poses fundamental questions of human existence without giving explicit answers: How much suffering shall we bear in the name of our beliefs and ideas? What is the meaning of sacrifice and martyrerdom? Is there a predestination ruling over man’s fate? How self-determined are our lives?
Based on the legend of Theodora and Didymus from the times of the Diocletian persecution of Christians (early 4th century) Handel unfolds a drama of deepest emotions and tragic irritations – a most personal statement of the composer, as it seems, and probably his most serious, most philosophical work.
In the 15th volume of the Handel Festival Prof. Misawa and his musicians will reveal the beauties and expressiveness of this masterpiece in an authentic performance based on our knowledge of performance practice in Handel’s times. The International Handel Society strongy supports and most enthusiastically welcomes these efforts to make known the whole Handelian cosmos in Japan. Good fortune for the lecture and concert!

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschman
President of the Georg-Friedrich-Händel-Gesellschaft e. V., Internationale Vereinigung (located in Halle/Germany; contact: www.haendel.de)
Head of Department of Musicology, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschman
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hirschmann
大学教授・音楽学博士  ヴォルフガング・ヒルシュマン



